Honda BeAT 2012

Pilihan Warna dan Striping Baru.

Memanfaatkan Jejaring Sosial Untuk Karir

Kini jejaring sosial tak lagi hanya sebagai media eksistensi pribadi, tetapi juga tempat berbagi informasi dan kebutuhan, termasuk kebutuhan akan pekerjaan.

Berkendara Aman di Musim Hujan

Hujan yang tiba-tiba mengguyur, perlu kewaspadaan handling. Daya gigit ban dan aspal berkurang karena jalan licin.Waspadai beberapa bagian agar cengkraman roda terhadap aspal tetap terjaga.

Cari Kerja Mudah dengan Internet

Internet memainkan peran yang semakin besar dalam proses pencarian kerja saat ini. Para perusahaan pun teratur mencari karyawan baru dan pencari kerja online dan rutin melihat jobsite sebagai salah satu sumber terbesar mereka untuk memasang iklan lowongan pekerjaan.

Pembakaran Maksimal, BBM Irit dengan Part Variasi

Dengan manfaatkan part-part variasi. Solusi bikin gas bakar yang dibeli benar-benar terbakar maksimal dan menghasilkan performa sempurna.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tips Meningkatkan Rasa Percaya Diri

Lingkungan, kondisi sosial, dan media informasi sering kali mempengaruhi seseorang untuk menjadi sosok yang baik dari segi apapun. Hal ini justru kerap menciutkan kepercayaan diri orang tersebut dan membuatnya merasa tak pernah cukup baik. Simak tips karir berikut yang bertema 4 langkah sederhana berikut ini untuk mengembalikan kepercayaan diri agar Anda mampu menjalani hidup dengan keyakinan penuh lagi.

1. Tak memusingkan penilaian orang lain.
Apapun pendapat orang mengenai hidup dan diri Anda, yang paling mengetahui dan bertanggung jawab atas hidup Anda adalah diri sendiri. Cobalah untuk tidak terlalu memikirkan komentar orang lain. Mempertimbangkan kritikan membangun dari orang lain memang baik, namun jangan lupa untuk tetap jalani hari-hari berdasarkan keputusan pribadi.
2. Temukan keunikan diri.
Setiap manusia dilahirkan berbeda dan karenanya memiliki keunikan masing-masing. Maka, bila Anda merasa tak bisa bernyanyi sebaik pemenang kontes idola di televisi, misalnya, temukan bakat Anda yang lain. Tanyakan kepada orang-orang terdekat tentang bakat terpendam ini untuk membantu Anda menemukan keunikan tersebut.
3. Berani berekspresi dan menjadi diri sendiri.
Keunikan yang Anda miliki akan semakin meningkatkan kepercayaan diri bila diikuti oleh keberanian berekspresi, termasuk mengungkapkan dan mempertahankan pendapat yang mungkin akan dinilai "tidak biasa" oleh orang lain. Dalam dunia karir, misalnya, bila Anda tak berminat bekerja sebagai staff perbankan, mengapa harus menerima tawaran di posisi tersebut karena pendapat teman?
4. Tak berlama-lama dalam kesedihan.
Bila pekerjaan Anda sekarang kerap membuat suasana hati (mood) berubah, kendalikan mood tersebut. Jangan biarkan Anda yang dikendalikan suasana hati sehingga terlalu sering merasa sedih (down) dan akhirnya menurunkan produktifitas kerja. Berbahagialah menjadi diri sendiri dengan segala hal baik yang sudah dimiliki.

Semoga bermanfaat

Tips Membuat Pekerjaan Anda Menyenangkan

Ada banyak hal yang memicu seseorang tidak menyenangi dan menikmati pekerjaannya, entah itu karena diri sendiri yang tidak menerima kenyataan bahwa karirnya bukanlah yang dahulu ia cita-citakan, atau dari faktor luar, seperti lingkungan kantor yang tak nyaman.

Berikut beberapa hal sederhana yang bisa dilakukan untuk membuat pekerjaan Anda terasa menyenangkan.

Mengubah cara pandang

Dalam setiap hal yang tak menyenangkan di tempat kerja, lihatlah sisi positifnya. Misalnya, jadikan kritikan dari pimpinan motivasi untuk bekerja dengan konsentrasi lebih baik lagi, atau jadikan sikap tak ramah rekan kerja sebagai cermin bahwa Anda pun harus lebih banyak tersenyum pada orang tersebut.

Meriahkan meja kerja

Meja kerja yang dipenuhi tumpukan kertas, komputer, dan tempat alat tulis berdebu memang lambat laun akan membuat Anda mudah jenuh dan stres. Meriahkan meja kerja dengan sesuatu yang menarik mata Anda. Tempatkan sebuah foto dengan bingkai menarik, tempel post-it di pinggiran layar komputer dengan warna menyala, dan hiasi desktop komputer Anda dengan hasil gambar digital sendiri, dengan tema yang colorful atau kartun favorit semasa kecil.

Rencanakan kegiatan selepas kerja

Jangan biarkan rasa penat dan stres terus menguasai Anda setelah jam kerja berakhir. Sesekali, atur rencana untuk melakukan aktivitas yang menyenangkan agar Anda tak lagi punya waktu luang untuk terus berpikir negatif karena memikirkan persoalan tempat kerja. Jangan lupa ajak teman atau keluarga untuk ikut bersama.

Olah raga

Bike to Work, seperti yang telah dilakukan sebagian orang di perkotaan, adalah salah satu pilihan baik untuk mengajak tubuh Anda bergerak lebih banyak. Atau, bila malas bersaing dengan kendaraaan lain di jalan, melakukan jogging setelah bekerja juga tak kalah menyehatkan. Dengan berolahraga, Anda mengaktifkan sejenis zat di otak yang menciptakan perasaan baik (good mood). Selain itu, energi yang dihabiskan untuk berolahraga akan mengurangi rasa tegang di tubuh akibat stres.

Semoga bermanfaat

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sample Interview Questions With Answers

Sample interview questions of the common type are listed below. Answers are included. But perhaps suggestions for tailoring your responses is a better way to put it, since specific answers are impossible to provide. Practice answering these sample interview questions out loud to yourself or ask a friend or relative to help you.

Don't feel that you have to answer right away. Interviewers know that you're nervous and expect you to think a bit, so do think carefully before you answer. But don't hesitate too long or it'll appear that you're stalling. Interviewers will ask open-ended questions to see where you'll go with them, so try not to ramble while you're thinking of a real answer.

Tell me about yourself.
This is the dreaded, classic, open-ended interview question and likely to be among the first. It's your chance to introduce your qualifications, good work habits, etc. Keep it mostly work and career related.

Why do you want to leave your current job? (Why did you leave your last job?)
Be careful with this. Avoid trashing other employers and making statements like, "I need more money." Instead, make generic statements such as, "It's a career move."

What are your strengths?
Point out your positive attributes related to the job.

What are your weaknesses?
Everybody has weaknesses, but don't spend too much time on this one and keep it work related. Along with a minor weakness or two, try to point out a couple of weaknesses that the interviewer might see as strengths, such as sometimes being a little too meticulous about the quality of your work. (Avoid saying "I work too hard." It's a predictable, common answer.) For every weakness, offer a strength that compensates for it.

Which adjectives would you use to describe yourself?
Answer with positive, work-oriented adjectives, such as conscientious, hard-working, honest and courteous, plus a brief description or example of why each fits you well.

What do you know about our company?
To answer this one, research the company before you interview.

Why do you want to work for us?
Same as above. Research the company before you interview. Avoid the predictable, such as, "Because it's a great company." Say why you think it's a great company.

Why should I hire you?
Point out your positive attributes related to the job, and the good job you've done in the past. Include any compliments you've received from management.

What past accomplishments gave you satisfaction?
Briefly describe one to three work projects that made you proud or earned you pats on the back, promotions, raises, etc. Focus more on achievement than reward.

What makes you want to work hard?
Naturally, material rewards such as perks, salary and benefits come into play. But again, focus more on achievement and the satisfaction you derive from it.

What type of work environment do you like best?
Tailor your answer to the job. For example, if in doing your job you're required to lock the lab doors and work alone, then indicate that you enjoy being a team player when needed, but also enjoy working independently. If you're required to attend regular project planning and status meetings, then indicate that you're a strong team player and like being part of a team.

Why do you want this job?
To help you answer this and related questions, study the job ad in advance. But a job ad alone may not be enough, so it's okay to ask questions about the job while you're answering. Say what attracts you to the job. Avoid the obvious and meaningless, such as, "I need a job."

How do you handle pressure and stress?
This is sort of a double whammy, because you're likely already stressed from the interview and the interviewer can see if you're handling it well or not. Everybody feels stress, but the degree varies. Saying that you whine to your shrink, kick your dog or slam down a fifth of Jack Daniels are not good answers. Exercising, relaxing with a good book, socializing with friends or turning stress into productive energy are more along the lines of the "correct" answers.

Explain how you overcame a major obstacle.
The interviewer is likely looking for a particular example of your problem-solving skills and the pride you show for solving it.

Where do you see yourself five (ten or fifteen) years from now?
Explain your career-advancement goals that are in line with the job for which you are interviewing. Your interviewer is likely more interested in how he, she or the company will benefit from you achieving your goals than what you'll get from it, but it goes hand in hand to a large degree. It's not a good idea to tell your potential new boss that you'll be going after his or her job, but it's okay to mention that you'd like to earn a senior or management position.

What qualifies you for this job?
Tout your skills, experience, education and other qualifications, especially those that match the job description well. Avoid just regurgitating your resume. Explain why.

Why did you choose your college major?
The interviewer is likely fishing to see if you are interested in your field of work or just doing a job to get paid. Explain why you like it. Besides your personal interests, include some rock-solid business reasons that show you have vision and business sense.

Hopefully useful

Related tips : Career, Beauty, Health, Vacancies

Templates Are Key In An Online Resume Builder

A template can be one of the important things to find on a resume. The template is a way how the information on the resume is arranged. The template must be made to where the information is easy to read and is prepared in a professional manner. A resume builder can create a nice looking design.

The template features that work on a resume builder can be impressive for all sorts of needs. These can include many items that express information clearly and neatly without any issues getting in the way.

A template can start by listing the information in a responsible manner. This includes listing information with things like the past job description first followed by one's educational history. A resume builder can include templates that neatly combine all of these items into their own special sections to make information easy to read as possible.

For example, a person can list details on one prior job in a main entry. This can be followed with a series of smaller bullet points. These include items like details on the individual tasks that were involved with that job. The information can also include details on any skills that a person had to use or the kinds of honors that the person got while on the job.

A template may also include convenient lines that are arranged around the resume. These lines may be used for dividing items in a spot. These may make a resume more interesting but they should be strong enough to where they will not be too complicated.

The emphasis on what should be bold and what should not be bold can also be covered on a template. This includes making sure that only the right pieces of information like job titles and headings are covered. This is used so a reader can understand what the most important items on a resume are. These details need to be managed as carefully as possible.

The options that can be used on a resume builder can vary. The templates may include many designs that work with individual professions in mind. These include special templates that might include special sections devoted to things like any residency or internship opportunities that a person might have taken. The standards for a resume must vary by each person and should be managed carefully.

A good template is a great point that can work well on a free resume builder. A template may add a unique look to the resume while making things easier to read. This must be reviewed carefully when finding the best solution to create the best possible resume.

Hopefully useful

Related tips : Career, Beauty, Health, Vacancies

Balanced Diet for Shiny, Beautiful Hair

Your diet has a huge impact on the health and condition of your hair. That is why, whenever you are trying to grow shiny, abundant locks, dermatologists will recommend a diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Good food is the secret to lush, shiny, naturally beautiful hair.

Here are some diet essentials you should not overlook if you want abundant, healthy, thick hair.


Proteins are the key building blocks of the hair shaft; so you should ensure that your food has adequate proteins. Proteins help make hair stronger and less prone to breakage. While non vegetarians get their protein intake from consumption of poultry, fish, and red meat, vegetarians should make sure that their food has plenty of beans, legumes, and soy.


Green vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins. Vitamins C and A, in particular, are needed to keep hair soft and damage-free. If your food does not contain adequate vitamins, you will notice that your hair becomes dry and rough more easily.


The fat-phobic trends we are currently witnessing, lead us to believe that all fats are bad for health. So much so, that many women have completely eliminated fats from their diet, believing them to be unhealthy. There are healthy fats and there are unhealthy fats. You need to make a distinction between the two before you can plan a healthy, hair-friendly diet.

Omega -3 fatty acids, for example, found in some fish, are known to be good for hair. Women who have eschewed meat can get their fat requirement from nuts such as walnut, almonds, and cashew.


Ever wondered why many anti hairfall shampoos contain zinc? Zinc is an antioxidant, which is good news for hair and skin. Zinc is extremely important for the health of hair and scalp. Dermatologists often recommend zinc supplements to women battling hair loss. Unfortunately, a lot of women are not aware that their diet may be lacking this crucial hair fall control nutrient. Oysters are rich in zinc, as are walnuts and fiber rich cereals.

Limp, lifeless, and thin hair makes you look unattractive. Hair in poor condition is also difficult to style. Most styling products and heat cause severe damage to already-unhealthy hair.

If you are worried about thinning hair, include these nutrients in your diet. Don't depend on pills to provide you the required nutrients. Food is much more likely to provide not just one, but several types of nutrients.

You should also start a hair care regimen to restore health to your hair. Keranique, a product trusted by thousands of women, does magic for your hair. A look at any Keranique review will tell you that women are thrilled by this product, which makes their hair thicker, fuller looking, and more manageable. Keranique is a name trusted by women of all ages for its ability to boost hair health and restore the confidence of women.

If you are looking for the best hair care, start by planning out a better, nutrient-rich diet.

Hopefully useful

Related tips : Career, Beauty, Health, Vacancies

When Does Tooth Extraction Hurt?

Getting a tooth extraction could be a terrifying experience to some people. There are some people who are afraid to get a tooth extracted because they are afraid to experience pain during the process. Does tooth extraction hurt? When does tooth extraction hurt? Why does tooth extraction hurt? These are just but some of the common questions that people would frequently ask about tooth extraction. Get all the answers to these questions about "does tooth extraction hurt" by reading this article. This piece of writing will provide you some relevant information and useful facts that you need to know about the question "does tooth extraction hurt"

Does tooth extraction hurt?

There are some factors that you need to consider as to why does tooth extraction hurt. Long time ago, people used to get pain in getting a tooth extraction because there was no use of anaesthesia yet, however, today, the use of anaesthesia is already a common in many clinics and hospitals and even a simple tooth extraction would already require you to use an anaesthesia. When does tooth extraction hurt? You need to understand that tooth extraction would hurt when there is no anaesthesia. There are also some instances that you get pain after the process of extraction your teeth especially when you do not follow the appropriate tooth extraction aftercare. What is the appropriate tooth extraction aftercare?

After getting your tooth extracted, you are not supposed to chew and eat hard food as it can irritate the open wound in your mouth thus causing it to bleed and get infected. You are also not allowed to drink and smoke as the nicotine from the cigarette and other components from the alcoholic beverages can infect the wound thus causing it to get swollen and infected. You need to remember that when the open wound in your mouth gets infected and swollen, it becomes prone to swelling and extreme pain. Brushing your teeth regularly or keeping a good oral hygiene is always recommended, however, you are not supposed to gargle your mouthwash as it contains alcohol and other chemicals that may be harmful to the open wound in your mouth. In this case, tooth extraction could definitely be a painful experience to everyone. Do not spit and sip any liquid using a straw because doing it may dislodge the blood clot in the wound and when the blood clots is loosen up, it could be possible the germs would multiply in wound thus causing it to be infected.

Hopefully useful

Related tips : Career, Beauty, Health, Vacancies

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sindrom Patah Hati

Stres dapat menyerang otot jantung dan menyebabkan gejala yang menyerupai serangan jantung. Gangguan ini, yang disebut Strees Cardiomyopathy” atau “Broken Heart Syndrome,” dalam bahasa lain berarti “Sindrom Patah Hati,” paling umum dialami pada wanita yang lebih tua yang biasanya terjadi setelah mengalami tekanan fisik yang berat seperti operasi atau kesulitan mental seperti kematian orang yang dicintai.
Namun sebuah penelitian baru dengan menggunakan Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) atau pencitraan resonansi jantung magnetik menegaskan bahwa stres cardiomyopathy juga dapat mempengaruhi pria dan wanita premenopause.

Penyebab stres ini terkadang mungkin terlalu sulit untuk dikenali, tetapi dengan MRI juga para dokter dapat memisahkannya dari jenis lain gangguan otot jantung guna penanganan yang tepat.

Studi ini diterbitkan dalam Journal of American Medical Association yang mendokumentasikan Syndrome Broken Heart dari pasien ber-usia 30-90. Rata-rata usia mereka adalah 69 tahun.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Sebagian besar pasien yang terkena dampaknya 81%, adalah perempuan postmenopause, tapi 8% kasus pada wanita dibawah 50 tahun, dan 11% terjadi pada pria.

Hanya dua pertiga dari peserta studi mampu mengidentifikasi sesuatu yang memicu gejala ini. 30% diantara penyebabnya adalah emosional, dan termasuk kematian seorang teman, hewan peliharaan, atau saudara, konflik interpersonal, kecemasan, kemarahan, atau kehilangan lowongan pekerjaan. Sedangkan 41% lainnya disebabkan oleh fisik.
Stres fisik meliputi operasi, kesulitan bernapas seperti PPOK, asma, atau bronkitis, dan kemoterapi.

Mereka menyimpulkan, dan menduga bahwa gangguan misterius mungkin memiliki dasar-dasar yang kompleks, melibatkan endokrin, pembuluh darah, dan sistem saraf pusat .
Hal ini menunjukkan perlunya meningkatkan kesadaran dan pengakuan di depan dokter atas kondisi ini untuk memastikan diagnosis yang benar.

Semoga bermanfaat

All New Avanza Veloz Lebih Gaya Lebih Mewah

Melalui tampilan eksterior yang lebih segar dan menawan dibandingkan pendahulunya, all new avanza berani melangkah dengan rasa percaya diri yang tinggi. Eksterior yang lebih mewah juga menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa avanza baru ini yakin masih dapat menguasai pasar low-MPV di Indonesia bersama dengan kembarannya Xenia. All New Avanza bersama dengan kembarannya all new Xenia hadir dengan sejuta daya magis yang mampu menyihir keluarga Indonesia untuk dapat memilikinya.

Diantara pilihan type yang disediakan oleh pihak Toyota, Avanza Veloz merupakan type dengan spesifikasi dan harga paling tinggi.

Tersedia dalam 2 pilihan transmisi manual 5 percepatan (M/T) dan otomatis 4 percepatan (A/T), Avanza Velos mengusung mesin berkapasitas 1.495 cc dengan seri 3SZ-VE type IL, 4 Cyl, 16 V, DOHC, VVT-i. Tenaga yang mampu dihasilkan melalui mesin tersebut sebesar  104Ps / 6000rpm dengan torsi 13.9 Kgm / 4400 rpm.

All New Avanza Veloz tersedia dalam 4 pilihan warna, Silver Mica Metallic, Dark Steel Mica, White dan Black Metallic.

Harga mobil baru ini ditawarkan pada angka Rp. 173.400.000 (M/T) – Rp. 182.900.000 (A/T)

Asiik... Datsun Bakal Jadi Mobil Murah Di Indonesia

Datsun merupakan sebuah merek mobil yang mendunia diantara tahun 1931 hingga 1986. Pada awalnya, mobil pertama keluaran DAT Motorcar Co. ini bermerek “Datson” (1931) kemudian beralih menjadi Datsun setelah DAT Motorcar Co. dikontrol oleh Nissan Motor Co. 

Merek Datsun cukup terkenal dengan mobil sport mereka seperti roadster Fairlady dan Koupe Fairlady (240Z). Di Indonesia sendiri Datsun memiliki masanya ketika kendaraan pick-up Datsun 620 (Datsun 1500) dan sedan Datsun Sunny berkuasa.

Kini setelah lebih dari 45 tahun mati suri, tepatnya sejak bulan maret 1968, merek Datsun sepertinya akan dihidupkan kembali oleh pihak Nissan. Kabar tersebut disampaikan langsung oleh CEO Nissan Motor Company Ltd,. Carlos Ghosn pada selasa 20 Maret 2012. Datsun akan menjadi salah satu merek yang berpartisipasi dalam program Low Cost Green Car (mobil murah nan ramah lingkungan) yang dicanangkan oleh pemerintan Indonesia.

Namun, akan seperti apa tampilan dan spesifikasi mobil ini nantinya, Carlos Ghosn belum dapat memberikan bocorannya, yang pasti akan disesuaikan dengan ketentuan harga murah dengan konsumsi bahan bakar rendah.

Datsun 240Z
Salah satu icon mobil sport yang cukup “tenar” dari Datsun adalah type 240Z, yang diperkenalkan di pasar Amerika pada Oktober 1969. Mobil sport ini dilengkapi dengan mesin 2.4 liter enam silinder inline dikawinkan dengan pilihan transmisi manual 4 percepatan dan transmisi otomatis 3 percepatan (1971), mampu menghasilkan tenaga hingga 151 hp dengan torsi 146 lb-ft. Mobil ini memiliki bobot yang cukup ringan, hanya 1,068 kg sehingga mampu berakselerasi dari kecepatan 0-100 km/jam hanya dalam waktu 8.0 detik saja.